Information for guests - Vila Julie – Penzion Krkonoše

Vila Julie

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Information for guests

Dear guests, here you can find all the important information and guidelines related to your stay in our villa. Please, pay your attention to these. Thank you.

Personal data protection – GDPR

Congressconsulting  s.r.o. reg. no.: 05829020, registered address: Dolní Štěpanice 94, 51401 Jilemnice (hereinafter referred to as the “Controller”), processes personal data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (General Data Protection Regulation) (hereinafter referred to as “GDPR”) and other legislation.

The Controller processes data obtained primarily from data subjects, as well as data obtained from third parties (for example, tour operators, online portals, etc.) which are authorized to share such data with the Controller, where the Controller processes the data provided by third parties only to the extent necessary to fulfill contracts or statutory requirements as outlined below.

Personal data to the extent of name, surname, arrival date, departure date, phone number, email address, home address and date of birth may be processed for the purpose of concluding and fulfilling an accommodation contract or similar contract (hereinafter referred to as the “contract”) and in order for the Controller to exercise its rights under the contract.

Personal data to the extent of name, surname, arrival date, departure date, home address, purpose of stay, ID card or travel document (passport) number may be processed in order for the Controller to meet the requirements it has under Act No. 565/1990 Coll., on Local Fees.

Personal data to the extent of name, surname, arrival date, departure date, home address, date of birth, travel document (passport) number, nationality, visa number and purpose of stay may be processed in order for the Controller to meet the requirements it has under Act No. 326/1999 Coll., on the Residence of Foreign Nationals in the Czech Republic and on the Amendment of Certain Acts.

The personal data shall be processed by the Controller both manually and automatically by its authorized employees, as well as by processors authorized by the Controller on the basis of personal data processing contracts.

Personal data to the extent of name, surname, arrival date, departure date, home address, date of birth, ID card number, travel document number, nationality, visa number and purpose of stay may be made available by the Controller to state or local government authorities in accordance with the aforementioned laws.

Personal data to the extent of name, surname, arrival date, departure date, home address, room number and date of birth may be made available to entities, to whom the Controller will assert its contractual rights (in particular courts, notaries public, executors).

In order to accept the principle of minimizing data and other principles resulting from GDPR and related regulations, the above-mentioned personal data are the minimum which the Controller requires in order to fulfill its rights and obligations under the above-described contracts concluded with data subjects and the above-mentioned laws.

By giving his/her email address the accommodated person voluntarily grants the Controller consent to process this personal data in order to send commercial and marketing offers and communications. This consent is granted for an indefinite period and may be withdrawn at any time. The email address shall be automatically processed by the Controller’s employees and shall not be made available to third parties.

The Controller does not usually process sensitive data and so does not request it from data subjects. An exception may be data about the data subject’s health which the data subject voluntarily provides to the Controller. The Controller shall then use such data in order to offer the data subject better services and to carry out the data subject’s specific wishes.

The data subject has the right of access to his/her personal data processed by the Controller, the right to its correction or erasure, or the restriction of processing, and the right to object to the processing. Furthermore, the data subject has the right to withdraw his/her consent to the processing of personal data if the data is processed by the Controller on the basis of this consent.

Furthermore, the data subject has the right to obtain from the Controller personal data concerning the data subject and which the data subject has provided to the Controller. On the basis of a request by the data subject the Controller shall provide the data subject with the data without undue delay in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format or, on the data subject’s request, it shall provide it to another clearly specified controller. This right does not apply to personal data which is not processed automatically.

The Controller does not intend to provide personal data to third countries.

If the data subject believes that unauthorized processing of his/her personal data has occurred, he/she may make a complaint to the supervisory authority which for the Czech Republic is the Office for Personal Data Protection (

Controller’s contact details:
congressconsulting s.r.o.
Dolní Štěpanice 94, 51401 Jilemnice
Mgr. Hana Čechotovská, Manager

Conditions for Accommodation Contract Execution

  1. The hotel provides services corresponding to its category.
  2. The guest’s specific accommodation is established through a binding reservation and the guest is charged the corresponding price based on the type of accommodation.
  3. The hotel is obliged to accommodate only those guests who hold a valid reservation and are duly registered. Guests are required to present valid personal identification upon arrival, sign the registration card, and provide a guarantee either in cash or by payment transfer in the required amount.
  4. If a guest does not provide valid personal identification (citizen ID card, passport), the hotel is entitled to refuse accommodation based on the law on local fees for Czech citizens and on Act No. 314/2015 Coll. for foreign clients.
  5. The hotel is obliged to hold a confirmed reservation from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. During this period, the room is reserved for the guest, if not specified otherwise in the booking. Early check-in (before 2 p.m.) must be requested in advance (when the booking is made), but is not guaranteed until the hotel confirms it.
  6. The hotel is not required to accommodate guests without prior confirmed reservations and guests arriving after midnight.
  7. If it is not possible to extend a guest’s stay in the room that he/she was given at check-in, the hotel is entitled to offer them a different room.

Responsibility of the Accommodation Provider for the Guest’s Belongings

  1. The hotel is liable for damage for items stored only if the items were personally taken to be stored by a hotel employee. The hotel is not liable for a guest’s improperly stored or forgotten items. The hotel is liable for damage or loss of jewelry, money, and other valuables only if they were stored in the hotel safe, placed in storage by the hotel, or if the damage or loss was caused by a hotel employee. Personal safes are integrated in the back office of the hotel. Please kindly note that the hotel cannot accept liability for money, valuables or articles left in your room. A report is drawn up on the things stored in the safe.
  2. The right to compensation must be exercised in the hotel without delay, no later than 15 days after the loss or damage was discovered by the guest.

General Accommodation Rules

  1. Hotel guests may receive visitors in the public areas of the hotel. Visitors are permitted in the accommodation areas of the hotel only from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. with the permission of the hotel receptionist. Outside of these hours, only registered guests may be present in these areas.
  2. The hotel will arrange medical assistance in case of illness or injury of a guest. Any charge associated with such assistance will be the responsibility of the guest, with the exception of situations in which the hotel is responsible for the guest’s illness or injury.
  3. Smoking is prohibited throughout the hotel. In the event of non-compliance, the guest will be charge a penalty of CZK 5,000. This is the value of renovating the room, washing carpets, mattresses and curtains. Hotel guests are not permitted to move any furniture or equipment, nor to interfere with or alter the electrical system or equipment located in the hotel rooms or in public areas. For safety reasons, hotel guests may use only electrical appliances designed for personal hygiene (hair dryers, shavers, massagers, etc.) as well as notebook computers, tablets, and similar small electrical devices.
  4. Guests may use the wireless internet connection free of charge in all areas of the hotel and the garden.
  5. Dogs and other pets may stay in their owner’s room provided the owner shows proof that the animal is in good health and that the owner agrees with and abides by the hotel’s rules regarding pets, which they will receive in written form. Accommodation for an animal will be charged according to the current rate list.
  6. Hotel guests must observe quiet hours from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.
  7. If a hotel guest under the influence of alcohol or drugs will not provide assurance that they will abide by the hotel policies, they may be barred entry to the hotel. A repeat of the situation will result in the termination of the guest’s accommodation.
  8. If it is not possible to extend a guest’s stay in the room that he/she was given at check-in, the hotel is entitled to offer them a different room. This accommodation, however, may not differ materially from that originally confirmed.
  9. Guests who wish to use the firepit in the garden shall do so at their own risk and responsibility, and are required to abide by the Fireplace Operating Rules. The hotel operator is not responsible for injuries or damage to property caused by the guest to himself, to the hotel operator, or to any third party. Fires may be lit only in the designated places and during designated times – from 7 to 9 p.m.
  10. Information regarding rates for hotel services is available at the reception and on the hotel’s website.
  11. The hotel management welcomes and appreciates any and all suggestions for improving the hotel and its services, as well as constructive criticism.
  12. Guests are required to familiarize themselves with these hotel policies and to abide by these provisions. In the event that a guest breaks any of these rules, the hotel has the right to terminate the guest’s stay prior to the originally agreed-upon day of departure.
  13. Should a guest have any special wishes or substantiated complaint during their stay, they may contact the appropriate hotel staff member, who will make every effort to accommodate the guest’s wishes.

Safety and the Guest’s Responsibility for Damage

  1. It is forbidden to carry or store weapons in any area of the hotel.
  2. For safety reasons, children younger than 10 years may not be left unsupervised in hotel rooms or other hotel premises or in the garden. Reimbursement for any damage caused by a child/ren is the responsibility of the child/ren’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s).
  3. Persons with limited mobility and orientation and persons unable to move independently cannot be accommodated in the pension for security reasons. The guest house does not have a lift.
  4. Guests will be held responsible for any damage to hotel property.
  5. Guests will pay compensation for any damage caused by them unless they prove they were not at fault. This includes compensation for any damage discovered after the guest’s departure.


  1. Guests may use their room for the agreed-upon accommodation period. Unless agreed upon and approved by the hotel in advance, guests must check out no later than 11 a.m. on the last day of their stay and are required to vacate the room by that time. If they fail to do so, the hotel is authorized to bill the guest for an additional day, or a portion thereof.
  2. When leaving the room, guests should ensure that the faucets and lights are turned off, and close the door. Room keys must be returned to the reception upon checkout.
  3. Guests shall pay for their accommodation and any additional services at the end of their stay according to the current rate list. In case of longer stays, guests must settle their accounts at least once a week. Prior to departure, guests are required to officially check out from the hotel and settle their account.
  4. If a guest should lose their room key, they must report this to the reception as soon as possible. If they fail to do so, the hotel shall assume no responsibility for any damage related to the key’s loss. Guests shall be charged a fee of CZK 1,000 for a lost key. Guests are obliged to pay this fee prior to departing the hotel.

Information about Personal Data Processing

Congressconsulting s.r.o. reg. no.: 05820020, registered address: Dolní Štěpanice 94, 51401 Jilemnice (hereinafter referred to as the “Controller”), processes personal data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (General Data Protection Regulation) (hereinafter referred to as “GDPR”) and other legislation. The Controller processes data obtained primarily from data subjects, as well as data obtained from third parties (for example, tour operators, online portals, etc.) which are authorized to share such data with the Controller, where the Controller processes the third-party data only to the extent necessary to fulfill contracts or statutory requirements as outlined below. Personal data to the extent of name, surname, arrival date, departure date, phone number, email address, home address and date of birth may be processed for the purpose of concluding and fulfilling an accommodation contract or similar contract (hereinafter referred to as the “contract”) and in order for the Controller to exercise its rights under the contract. Personal data to the extent of name, surname, arrival date, departure date, home address, purpose of stay, ID card or travel document (passport) number may be processed in order for the Controller to meet the requirements it has under Act No. 565/1990 Coll., on Local Fees. Personal data to the extent of name, surname, arrival date, departure date, home address, date of birth, travel document (passport) number, nationality, visa number and purpose of stay may be processed in order for the Controller to meet the requirements it has under Act No. 326/1999 Coll., on the Residence of Foreign Nationals in the Czech Republic and on the Amendment of Certain Acts.

The personal data shall be processed by the hotel both manually and automatically by its authorized employees, as well as by processors authorized by the hotel on the basis of personal data processing contracts. The guest has the right of access to his/her personal data processed by the hotel, the right to its correction or erasure, or the restriction of processing, and the right to object to the processing. The guest has the right to receive from the hotel any personal data that relate to the guest and to any data the guest has provided to the hotel. On the basis of a written request, the hotel will provide this data to the guest without unreasonable delay. This right does not apply to personal data which is not processed automatically. If the guest believes that unauthorized processing of his/her personal data has occurred, he/she may make a complaint to the supervisory authority which for the Czech Republic is the Office for Personal Data Protection ( Hotel contact details: Vila Julie, congressconsulting s.r.o., Dolní Štěpanice 94, 51401 Jilemnice.

These hotel policies are effective as of April 4, 2021
Mgr. Hana Čechotovská
Vila Julie

Consumer Protection

Information following the amended Act No. 634/1992 Coll. on Consumer Protection

The accommodated guest shall have the right to file a motion for out-of-court settlement of dispute with the designated entity in charge of out-of-court consumer dispute settlements, which is:

The Czech Trade Inspection Authority (CTIA)
Central Inspectorate – ADR Department
Štěpánská 15
120 00 Praha 2

The Czech Trade Inspection Authority is a supervisory body monitoring consumer protection, acting in pursuance of Act No. 64/1986 Coll., The Czech Trade Inspection Authority Act as amended, and additional legal regulations. The Czech Trade Inspection Authority´s website is

In conformity with the provision § 1837 item j) of the Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code, no right of withdrawal from the accommodation contract shall arise for the accommodated person as being a consumer as long as the accommodation facility provides the contractual performances within the designated deadlines.

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